Transducer care
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Transducer and System Care

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Transducers require proper care, cleaning, and handling. These pages contain information and instructions to help you effectively clean, disinfect, and sterilize the transducers that are compatible with your Philips ultrasound system. Additionally, these instructions help avoid damage during cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization, which could void your warranty.


Reasonable care includes inspection, cleaning, and disinfection or sterilization, as necessary. Transducers must be cleaned after each use. Inspect all parts of the transducer carefully before each use. Check for cracks or other damage that jeopardizes the integrity of the transducer. Report any damage to your Philips representative, and discontinue use of the transducer.


For more information, see your system User Manual, which contains information that is specific to your system and transducers.

Transducer care

The following topics explain how to clean and disinfect your Philips Ultrasound transducers and systems.

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